Mike's Newspaper Column

Mike's Newspaper Column
Read Mike's column weekly in the Times Community Newspaper Family, including the legendary Kettering-Oakwood Times, and posted here the following week.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Holding On To What is Ours

Holding On To What is Ours
Mike Scinto
            There’s a suspicious looking pickup truck rolling up and down your block. The truck has out-of-state plates and two unsavory characters in the front seat. It’s made several passes.  You head out the door as you watch this mysterious vehicle approach again, slip your door key under the mat for the cleaning lady so that she might herself in and then head off, briefcase in hand, to another day at the office.  You return home that night and find you’ve been cleaned out. And you wonder how that could have happened!
            Well, if you guessed I was headed someplace with that little metaphor, you’re right. The American people are that homeowner and the current elected officials (at least the majority of them) are the guys in the truck.  Now I don’t mean to imply that Obama, Reid and Pelosi are thieves; they’re not. But, in an effort to change what has made America great, they have to “steal” from its citizens.
            Americans seem content to give up on blocking outsiders who would sneak across our borders, take our jobs, use our health care system and run freely through our system. We seem okay with forbidding the “profiling” of those of Islamic backgrounds at airports, even though that is where our biggest terrorist threat seems to be hiding (certainly not with ALL Islamic people). It doesn’t bother us that our government owns our auto manufacturers, banks, mortgage companies and controls their lending policies. Some have been convinced that the government can somehow run our health care system when it can’t even spot a terrorist in its own military ranks (Major Nidal Hassan-Fort Hood) or a one-way ticketed, cash-carrying, no baggage-toting, would-be underwear bomber flying into Detroit from overseas.
            Recent events suggest we may be starting to see the light. Americans have, through tea parties, phone calls and petitions said (in growing numbers) that we don’t want control of our health care system handed over to Washington. In Massachusetts the election of Republican Scott Brown to fill the Senate seat held by the late Ted Kennedy still has the pundits scratching their heads. These are just two of the more pronounced awakenings.
            This is a pivotal year; locally, state-wide and certainly in Congress. We must be vigilant. We can’t be distracted or mislead.  Our focus must be on the goal line. And we can do it! We are, after all, Americans. You might think the guys in the pickup truck are just innocently trying to make your neighborhood a nicer place to live. But their ultimate goal is to own everything they can get their hands on by the time they leave. We can let them clean us out, or we can stand fast and send them packing. The choice is ours!