Mike's Newspaper Column

Mike's Newspaper Column
Read Mike's column weekly in the Times Community Newspaper Family, including the legendary Kettering-Oakwood Times, and posted here the following week.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009!

Merry Christmas 2009!
Mike Scinto

It’s here again and this year we’re ready! Christmas is here. This Holiday encompasses so many different emotions, ideologies, spiritual experiences and sentimentalities. As a Christian, I am well aware of the significance of the celebrations, and reverence, surrounding the birth of our Savior. As a big kid I just get downright excited!

Would it shock you if I told you that a guy in his 50s believes in Santa Claus? I do. Without going in-depth into the evolution of the spirit of St. Nicholas, suffice it to say I believe things happen at this time of year, miraculous things, that can’t just be explained away.

I am fortunately married to a lady who loves gaudy outside, and inside, decorations. To quote Kathy “you can’t have too many decorations”. So this year I kicked it up a notch. I started well before Halloween with our outdoor lighting. I’m not quite Chevy Chase’s Clark “Sparky” Griswold, but Zak says I am heading in that direction.
Zak is 17 now and is still excited about the season and Carly is always excited about anything involving Elmo, her musical toys or the sound of ripping off wrapping paper!

Over the years on my show I’ve dealt with the myriad stories about some Scrooge or another in government ripping apart a nativity scene in Any Town, America because the ACLU said it was a violation of the so-called “separation of church and state”. I’ve deliberately tried to ignore those stories this year although I’m sure one or two will come up while hosting the national show these next couple of weeks.

So continue, or start, your own seasonal family traditions. Reach out to those who may be alone or depressed. Remember in your heart and soul the real “Reason for the Season”. And don’t forget to let the kid in you come out. I can tell you, it feels GREAT! Merry Christmas from the entire Scinto Family!