There’s an episode of Seinfeld in which Kramer goes into a Manhattan office to use the bathroom and gets pulled into an executive meeting, likes it and sticks around with his three piece suit and briefcase. He does the 9 to 5 every day and even generates a report from his “work”. When his “boss” reads it he calls Kramer into his office. He explains to Kramer that the report is gibberish and really bears no resemblance to anything related to business. He tells Kramer he has to let him go. Kramer says “But I don’t really even work here”. The boss says “I know. That’s what makes this so difficult”.
Well, if the stories I’ve heard are true this week, I’ve been fired from announcing the Mum Festival Parade; and I didn’t even work there! At least I never SAW a paycheck.
I learned today that a person, or persons, took umbrage with something I said at this year’s parade. As the Democratic Party float passed the review stand, I suggested that Barack Obama might be in the car pulling the float since he was likely embarrassed after losing the debate the previous evening to John McCain. That person, or persons, fired off an email to the City Council wanting that body to do something about what I said. I also heard that a former big-wig with the Mum Festival Committee would be addressing the next Mum meeting about my comments. And then I was told that a member of the Committee responded to the slightly off-kilter complainant by stating that I certainly wouldn’t be returning to that microphone next year. All this information is second hand, so my comments will be addressed to the parties involved IF it actually happened the way I was told.
First of all, lighten up! You might be surprised what cracking a smile would mean to your health. If you think those comments were that bad, you have a real perception problem. I understand Ohio, and the Miami Valley is important in this presidential election but being prudish isn’t helping and I can only imagine how you’ll behave when your candidate loses in November………and he will lose. You’ll be fit to be tied.
The Council has nothing to do with the Mum Festival or what I say. Why would you waste their time whining about your personal problems? Maybe you should go burn some objectionable books outside the library, or stop by the school board to make sure the texts meet your standards. Hey, I have an idea; perhaps you could join with like-minded concerned citizens to screen all comments made in Tipp City or Monroe Township to see if they pass the politically correct test for free speech before we’re allowed to print or speak them.
And if, in fact, that committee member did succumb to the un-American grumblings of this/these censorship hooligans, then that member lacks any modicum of integrity…..and didn’t even have the intestinal fortitude to contact me first. They preferred sucking up to the griper. But I suppose taking the easier way out is less stressful.
If the committee wants a robot to sit and read a script in what amounts to a computer-generated, simulated voice, that’s fine. My wife told me I sounded like I was certainly entertaining myself with my witticisms anyway. And I was. I thought I was quite clever. But I don’t need to be on stage to do that. I can just as easily play to a small room.
I was asked for the past two years to announce the Mum Festival Parade. I actually prefer watching with my family and friends but I believe we must support our community when asked. By the way, aside from the individual who asked me to help out, there’s been no “Thank you” stream flowing in my direction from the committee, just this kind of garbage.
You see, unlike a handful of you busy-bodies in the area, I believe in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I will continue to speak my mind in public forums, in private gatherings and in this fine publication until the editor tells me to shut up. I wonder if this is a common attitude with those in “that” political camp. And if you really don’t like what I say, I’ll bet they’d be happy to put you (and you know who you are) up in the Hotel Havana. I’m sure you’ll enjoy Castro’s restraints put on parade commentators there………its’ right up your alley.
Mike Scinto is a Radio Talk Show Host and hosts the longest running show in Southwestern Ohio. You can catch him weekdays from 12:00 noon until 2:00 PM on 1210-AM. Mike is a regular guest host on the national Mike Gallagher Show and is a contributor to cable’s Fox News Channel. You can visit http://myspace.com/mikescintoshow or email mike@themikescintoshow.com. You can also reach Mike by calling 937-506-4288 and visit his blog at http://mikescinto.blogspot.com .