From the desk of Mike Scinto, Talk Show Host/Newspaper Columnist
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For the show Friday September 26, 2008
Today on Expressions II with Mike Scinto:
**Giving teachers a bonus for passing excellent students; sounds like a great idea, right? Mike Scinto says “Find out who says it’s a bad idea……and I’ll give you a hint. It’s spelled U-N-I-O-N.
-----------------------------------------------------------**Arnold signs a bill in California that says you’d better not be texting while driving.
-----------------------------------------------------------**Scientists are back with stats that say the kids who use cell phones regularly are 5 times more likely to develop brain tumors. Scinto asks “Do you buy it and are you going to back off cell phone use or make your kids or grandkids”?
------------------------------------------------------------**As of yesterday in Nebraska you can dump your kids, up to age 19, at a hospital emergency room and you’re no longer responsible for them. “Can you think of a more disgusting program for losers and quitters?” Scinto asks.
-------------------------------------------------------------**Scinto’s here. Don’t miss a minute of it Friday (today) at Noon exclusively on