Mike Scinto
August 20, 2008
I’m really getting tired of having to apologize for my conservative colleagues in the media, and for conservatives in general. The latest rounds of attacks have been aimed at Senator John Edwards. His admitted tryst with a female other than his wife, and the dispute over who the father of her child might be, is truly an embarrassment.
I don’t support anything about John Edwards’ politics. I make no apologies for Edwards’ behavior. I don’t know (or care) if he is truly remorseful for the fling or if he simply got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. That’s not for me to judge and that’s my whole point. The behavior is disgusting and inexcusable, but last time I checked nobody had appointed me judge, jury or executioner.
It is the topic on the late night talk shows, news magazines, newspapers, tabloid TV shows and the rags on the checkout aisles at every grocery store in America. I’ll bet that makes Elizabeth Edwards feel great considering what the poor lady is already having to face. And I can only imagine the taunting the children are getting.
The responsibility is on John Edwards to be a man and step up and deal with it, both with his wife and with God. But he doesn’t owe the media, America or any of us anything.
John Edwards is not a candidate for President any longer. He isn’t apparently on the short list for VP either; and this pretty well sealed that. So what’s the need to air this tragic event in public? Have we no decency left in the world of politics, or the world at all for that matter? Don’t we care that a woman who is fighting for her life has to endure this over and over again?
I’ve been told that “he should have thought of that before his little fling”. And I can’t argue that point. But must we compound her agony by continuing to flog him publicly?
Once again, I find myself defending a Democrat from Republicans. Or maybe I’m just defending a family from the needless attacks from some in society. I’d be willing to bet a whole bundle that some of those attackers are wearing bracelets that say WWJD. I’d love to ask them what they REALLY think Jesus would do.