Mike's Newspaper Column

Mike's Newspaper Column
Read Mike's column weekly in the Times Community Newspaper Family, including the legendary Kettering-Oakwood Times, and posted here the following week.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pigs in the Park



It’s really sad when you have to tell people that they’re slobs and they’re affecting not only their little world but those around them as well. Well they’re in our midst as we speak.

I’ve found Kyle Park to be quite a respite from the hectic, everyday world. I go there in the morning with our dog, I coach soccer there, our family walks the trail around the perimeter and I’ve even written columns in the past about how clean and well maintained the park is right down to the rest rooms. It’s been a pleasure to use this gift from the Kyle family. But as it grows, so do the inconsiderate, grotesque violations of the park.

Before I get started with my rant, let me say I still believe it is one of the best maintained, groomed and patrolled parks I’ve seen in any city, large or small.

I’ve noticed, especially over the past year or so, more trash, acts of vandalism and general lack of concern for the facility by patrons. As I said, I am there at all hours of the day and evening almost every day. And while the problem isn’t pervasive, it is annoying.

I constantly see the picnic tables at the Timmer Pavilion pulled together and dangling off the concrete from skateboarders who used the tables for their acrobatics. I have nothing against skateboarders, we have one of our own, but I do recognize the liability of doing it in a totally unsupervised area seemingly inviting a broken skull to happen. And I wonder if they would leave their own backyard in the same disarray?

The bathrooms that I once wrote were clean enough to eat off the floor (not literally, of course) are sometimes as trashed as the facilities at a baseball stadium or concert arena.

I recently saw where a car had been parked by the new baseball diamonds and the occupants had obviously emptied all their ash trays and trash bags out both side doors. Several months ago as I went for a stroll, I had to step over a used condom in the parking lot. Where possible, and time permitting, I try to pick up what I can, although I must admit, I couldn’t bring my ungloved self to pick up the prophylactic.

And most of us have been there after one of the porta-potties has been tipped over; quite a pleasant aroma to complement the honeysuckle on a spring or summer morning.

I served on the old Parks Advisory Committee some years ago, and if memory serves me correctly, the policy at the park back then was that it was closed from 11:00 PM until 7:00 AM every night. Unless there were problems though, it wasn’t really enforced. By the time we get the kids to bed, chores wrapped up for the day and are winding down it is usually after 11:00 PM. I will head for the park to take a quick walk/jog around the park. Or I will use that time of quiet to prepare for a radio show or write my column on this laptop.

Several nights ago I arrived a little after 11:00 and as I headed around the baseball loop, I saw the flashing red lights of a police cruiser. I wondered if I was being taped for an episode of “Cops”. Apparently he had been parked with his lights off watching for people coming into the park. He explained I couldn’t be there after 11:00. I felt like a criminal in my beloved Kyle Park. I know the officer was just doing what he needed to do, and he was very polite, but when he said I’d have to leave the park because it was closed I felt like Tipp City had “come of age”.

The serenity, beauty and uniqueness had somehow been stolen because of a few punks and slobs who should be living in a sewer instead of a community of civilized people. To those reading this; if the shoe fits, wear it.

Again, I have no complaints with the parks folks. They work very hard to maintain a gorgeous park for all. And for the most part, it remains that way. But they can’t be there 24/7. Pick up after yourself, and help keep our public, family areas something of which we can be proud. If not we’ll look like every other two-bit community.


Mike Scinto is a Radio Talk Show Host and hosts the longest running show in Southwestern Ohio. You can catch him weekdays from 12:00 noon until 2:00 PM on 1210-AM. Mike is a regular guest host on the national Mike Gallagher Show and is a contributor to cable’s Fox News Channel. You can visit http://myspace.com/mikescintoshow or email mike@themikescintoshow.com. You can also reach Mike by calling 937-506-4288 and visit his blog at http://mikescinto.blogspot.com .