Mike's Newspaper Column

Mike's Newspaper Column
Read Mike's column weekly in the Times Community Newspaper Family, including the legendary Kettering-Oakwood Times, and posted here the following week.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Thanks Barry!


Mike Scinto

August 27, 2008

If you heard a “WHOOSH” last Saturday, it wasn’t a tornado or wind storm blowing through The Valley. It was the sound of those of us who are McCain supports breathing a collective sigh of relief at Barack Obama’s choice for VP. He contradicts much of what Barry claims to stand for. And he compliments the other weak points of the Dem platform.

Delaware Senator Joe Biden knows something about Presidential campaigning. He ought to, he’s tried enough and been turned down resoundingly by voters.

Obama wants CHANGE in Washington. So let’s grab a guy who’s been there in the same position since Richard Nixon won his second term in the White House. Now there’s a fresh face on the scene. Talk about “business as usual”! You can’t build your entire campaign platform on a single word, change, then choose a political dinosaur as your running mate.

Another contradiction; you have a man heading the ticket who not only doesn’t support our war on terror, but has opposed the Iraq War from day one to the point he voted against funding our troops already in place in Afghanistan and Iraq. Biden, to his credit, knew the funding had to go through and gave a thumbs-up.

Then there are those wonderful Biden quotes about his team leader: "I think he can be ready, but right now I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training” from the August 2007 Primary debate. Did Barack gain that wealth of experience during the following year of campaigning or was Biden simply spewing rhetoric? Which Joe Biden do we believe?

And Obama has claimed to want to keep his race out of this campaign. But he chooses, as his running mate, a man who says "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." Biden later apologized for his comments but, again, which Senator Joe do we believe?

Obama is of the new “tech” generation. He announced his choice of Biden (after a couple of major leaks) via text message at 3:00 AM on supporters’ cell phones. He is “sound-bite savvy”. On the other hand you have Biden who makes his answers to simple questions a dissertation. That’s not something that goes well with the media, or the public. It comes across sounding like political mumbo-jumbo.

Yes, a big “Thank you” goes out to Barack Obama for choosing the candidate who is least likely to land him on Pennsylvania Avenue. Now if my guy can just do what I told him in a recent column and keep a low profile he’ll do fine. Let the opponents be their own worst enemy while McCain and Romney (oops, did I let the cat out of that bag) just sit back and watch their poll numbers grow.


Mike Scinto is a Radio Talk Show Host and hosts the longest running show in Southwestern Ohio. You can catch him weekdays from 12:00 noon until 2:00 PM on 1210-AM. Mike is a regular guest host on the national Mike Gallagher Show and is a contributor to cable’s Fox News Channel. You can visit http://myspace.com/mikescintoshow or email mike@themikescintoshow.com. You can also reach Mike by calling 937-506-4288.